Failure to Yield Ticket

Failure to Yield Ticket:

Failure to yield citations are often issued as a result of a traffic accident or when an officer witnesses an individual commit the offense. When driving your vehicle, you have the responsibility to yield to vehicles and pedestrians with the right of way.  According to MCL 257.649, a driver must yield the right-of-way:

For more information about a Failure to Yield traffic ticket or to retain Garmo & Kiste, PLC call us at (248) 398-7100 for a free consultation or contact us with a private message.

How is this a Failure to Yield Ticket violation classified?

In Michigan, a traffic violation may be classified as a civil infraction or a criminal misdemeanor. Failure to Yield is classified as a civil infraction and is not considered a crime. Examples of other civil infractions include speeding, disobeying a traffic control device, and failing to signal.

What are the penalties?

Michigan traffic violations vary in the severity of the offense and penalty assessed. Penalties for traffic offenses may include fines and costs, license suspension, and in most serious cases, jail. More commonly, points may be placed on your driving record. In Michigan, each traffic violation has a point value assigned and can be found in the Michigan Vehicle Code. Failure to Yield carries two points and abstracts on one’s driving record. These points will remain on your driving record for two years.

Why should I hire an attorney for this traffic offense?

Hiring an attorney can reduce fines, keep points off your record, and save you hundreds of dollars on your car insurance. Most traffic violations are negotiable. This means an attorney can work with the prosecutor to amend the principal charge to a lesser charge, reduce the penalties, or defeat the charge altogether.

Michigan places high importance on the need to follow traffic laws. This is because not doing so can result in serious accidents and life-threatening injuries. If police have cited you for Failure to Yield, we can help you avoid fines and points on your record. For more information about a Failure to Yield traffic ticket or to retain Garmo & Kiste, PLC call us at (248) 398-7100 for a free consultation or contact us with a private message.

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